Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I Scream You Scream We All Scream For Ice Cream

     On Tuesday Nicole and I volunteered in Katie's Kitchen and the Ice Cream Palace. Katie's Kitchen is a walk-up window where families can order breakfast, lunch, or dinner, the families can also call in to have the food delivered. I worked the delivery golf cart, I've never driven a golf cart before so I found it very exciting. I delivered food to many families, I loved it because sometimes the kids would get so excited when I showed up. I had two little girls in their princess dresses run out and were so excited to help me carry the food up to their villa. At another villa the kids answered the door and were so excited to see me, they invited me in and wanted to share with me all about their trip. I also liked it because it was an opportunity to really see the whole village. The village is so big that it is hard to walk around and see the whole thing, although I have seen almost all of it at this point. But it was fun to drive around and enjoy it, the weather was really nice too (temperature wise because a storm was moving in). Nicole worked the walk-up window and phone, from what it sounds like she had a blast doing this and chatting with families as they waited for their food. I unfortunately do not have any pictures of Katie's Kitchen.

After the Kitchen we walked next door to the Ice Cream Palace which has by far been mine and Nicole's  favorite place to volunteer. We were with 3 other volunteers, an older woman named Nancy who was the sweetest lady ever, and two others about the same age as us, all three of them were so much fun to work with. We also loved it for two more reasons, first the weather could not affect us inside the palace. In almost every location Nicole and I have volunteered in the weather has shut something of that location down preventing a lot of families from visiting us. Even though it was raining we still had a lot of families in and out. The last reason is because of course the families, who got so into their creative creations of smoothies and ice cream combinations giving us a challenge sometimes to understand what they really wanted.


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